Accueil2360 • HKG
Best Mart 360 Holdings Ltd
1,69 $
7 mars, 11:04:50 UTC+8 · HKD · HKG · Clause de non-responsabilité
ActionPays où le titre est coté : HK
Dernière clôture
1,67 $
Variation sur la journée
1,69 $ - 1,69 $
Plage sur l'année
1,35 $ - 2,00 $
Capitalisation boursière
1,69 Md HKD
Volume moyen
129,93 k
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
12,43 %
Place boursière principale
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(HKD)sept. 2023Variation Y/Y
Chiffre d'affaires
696,85 M
Charges d'exploitation
155,54 M
Résultat net
61,28 M
Marge bénéficiaire nette
Bénéfice par action
131,36 M
Taux d'imposition effectif
16,91 %
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(HKD)sept. 2023Variation Y/Y
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme
217,66 M
Total des actifs
1,03 Md
Total du passif
508,42 M
Total des capitaux propres
519,61 M
Actions en circulation
1,00 Md
Ratio cours/valeur comptable
Rentabilité des actifs
18,60 %
Retour sur capitaux
22,12 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
(HKD)sept. 2023Variation Y/Y
Résultat net
61,28 M
Trésorerie (opérations)
109,43 M
Trésorerie (invest.)
-3,13 M
Trésorerie (financement)
-82,64 M
Variation nette en trésorerie
54,76 M
Flux de trésorerie dispo.
86,12 M
À propos
Best Mart 360 is a chain store in Hong Kong selling snacks and non-perishable groceries. At December 2023, the company operated 167 stores. Best Mart 360 was founded in 2013 by Lin Tsz Fung, Hui Chi-kwan and Hui Ngai-fan, with its first store in Sheung Shui. It initially targeted tourists, though it refocused to Hong Kong residents following a decline in tourists visiting Hong Kong in 2016. Its main direct competitor is 759 Store. The company was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in January 2019. In 2023, China Merchants Hoi Tung Trading, wholly owned by Mainland state-owned enterprise China Merchants Group, took a 49% stake in the company. Hui Chi-kwan has been CEO of the company since 2015. The Securities and Futures Commission completed an enquiry into the ownership of Best Mart 360 in June 2019, finding that the company's shareholding was highly concentrated. As at 23 May 2019, the top 20 shareholders held 95.77% of the company's shares, of which 75% were held by controlling shareholder Long Ease Holdings Limited, a company 50% owned by Lin Tsz Fung. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
1 313
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