Polestar Automotive Holding American Depositary Shares Class C-1
0,19 €
6-фев., 06:19:00 GMT+1 · EUR · FRA · Жоопкерчиликтен баш тартуу
АкцияDE сатылган баалуу кагаздар
Жабылуу курсу
0,19 €
Күндөр диапазону
0,19 € - 0,19 €
Жылдар диапазону
0,075 € - 0,59 €
Базар капитализациясы
2,28 млд USD
Орточо көлөмү
3,36 миң
Дивиденддик киреше
Polestar is a Swedish automotive manufacturer that produces electric cars. Principally owned by Li Shufu's PSD Investment, Geely Holding and Volvo Cars, the company is headquartered in Torslanda outside Gothenburg, Sweden. With an "asset-light" approach in development and manufacturing, Polestar does not have its own manufacturing facility, instead it produces cars in facilities controlled by Volvo or Geely in several countries, including China, the United States, and South Korea. The brand originated from Flash Engineering, a Swedish motorsport team established in 1996 that competed in the Scandinavian Touring Car Championship. In 2005, the team was sold then rebranded to Polestar Racing, which later operated a production car tuning division called Polestar Performance AB. In July 2015, the Polestar brand was acquired by Volvo Cars, which repositioned the brand as an electric vehicle manufacturer since 2017. The racing team was then rebranded to Cyan Racing, while still maintaining close ties to Volvo. The current United Kingdom-based holding company of Polestar, Polestar Automotive Holdings UK PLC was jointly formed in 2021 by Volvo Cars and Geely Holding Group. Wikipedia
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