DFI Retail Group Holdings Ltd
12 Mrt., 05:00:01 UTC · USD · LON · Vrywaring
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$4,37 - $4,37
3,11 mjd USD
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DFI Retail Group Holdings Limited is a Hong Kong–based retail company with legal bases in Bermuda and Singapore. A subsidiary of the Jardine Matheson Group, it is a major East and Southeast Asian retailer involved in the processing and wholesaling of food and health and beauty products. Jardine Strategic, a publicly listed holding company, has an attributable 78 percent stake in the firm. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange, with secondary listings on the Singapore Exchange and Bermuda Stock Exchange. The head office is in the Devon House in Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. As of 31 December 2020, the Group, its associates and joint ventures operated over 9,997 outlets; Wellcome/Food World, a controlling stake in Maxim's Catering, Cold Storage, Jasons Market Place/Market Place by Jasons/Jasons Food Hall, Hero, Mannings/Guardian stores; it also operates 7-Eleven throughout the region, and IKEA stores in Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia and Taiwan. The group and its associates and joint ventures operated over 9,997 outlets, employed over 220,000 people and had total annual sales in excess of US$28.2 billion. Wikipedia
200 000
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