Strona głównaFOBANK • CPH
Foeroya Banki P/F
Poprz. zamknięcie
163,50 kr
Zakres dzienny
164,00 kr - 164,50 kr
Zakres roczny
152,00 kr - 168,50 kr
Kapitalizacja rynkowa
1,58 mld DKK
Śr. liczba
5,68 tys.
Wskaźnik C/Z
Dochód z dywidendy
Główna giełda
Wiadomości rynkowe
BankNordik is a Faroe Islands-based financial services company that provides banking and insurance services. It also provides some services in Denmark and Greenland. The Faeroese bank was previously known as Føroya Banki but after acquiring assets abroad, a new name was chosen to reflect its new market reach. It is one of the two full-service banking firms in the Faroe Islands.
The bank's services cover 40% of the market share in the Faroe Islands. Wikipedia
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