Gulf Island Fabrication Inc
6,16 $
12 mar, 4:00:00 GMT-4 · USD · NASDAQ · Renuncia de responsabilidad
AcciónValor cotizado en EE. UU.Sede en EE. UU.
Cierre anterior
6,16 $
Intervalo diario
6,13 $ - 6,34 $
Intervalo anual
5,12 $ - 7,93 $
Cap. bursátil
100,73 M USD
Volumen medio
44,62 mil
Relación precio-beneficio
Rentabilidad por dividendo
Bolsa de valores principal
Noticias sobre los mercados
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(USD)dic 2024Cambio interanual
37,42 M-16,01 %
Gastos operativos
3,76 M27,83 %
Ingresos netos
4,30 M-39,42 %
Margen de beneficio neto
11,48-27,84 %
Beneficios por acción
4,78 M-34,27 %
Tipo impositivo efectivo
-1,42 %
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(USD)dic 2024Cambio interanual
Efectivo y a corto plazo
66,07 M42,36 %
Activos totales
133,22 M3,73 %
Responsabilidades totales
40,11 M-18,89 %
Patrimonio total
93,10 M
Acciones en circulación
16,35 M
Precio-valor contable
Rentabilidad económica
12,61 %
Retorno sobre capital
7,98 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(USD)dic 2024Cambio interanual
Ingresos netos
4,30 M-39,42 %
Efectivo de operaciones
2,30 M-68,72 %
Efectivo de inversión
4,77 M-21,60 %
Efectivo de financiación
-1,40 M-993,75 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
5,68 M-57,40 %
Flujo de caja libre
350,25 mil110,38 %
Información sobre la empresa
Gulf Island Fabrication is an American manufacturer of specialized structures and marine vessels used in the energy sector. The company builds offshore oil and gas platforms, ships and also foundations for offshore wind turbines. It also provides maintenance and marine repair services in-shop and out in the field. The company has built some of the largest offshore platforms in the world. The company's headquarters are located in Houston, Texas, and its seven building yards are in Louisiana and Texas. Gulf Island Fabrication and Bechtel are partners. The company was founded by Alden “Doc” Laborde, a World War II Navy commander who later worked the offshore oil and gas industry. In 1985, the company took over a bankrupt rival named Delta Fabrication. The company became publicly listed in 1997. The company offered 2,000,000 shares at $15 per share. With a total offer amount of $30 million. The company had diversified revenue to build ships and expanded by taking over LeeVac Shipyards in the beginning of 2016. The acquisition provided about $112 million incremental contract backlog during the industry downturn. Wikipedia
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