ПочетнаHRI • LON
Herald Investment Trust plc
Претходно закључено
2.115,00 GBX
Дневни опсег
2.110,00 GBX - 2.138,00 GBX
Годишњи опсег
1.986,34 GBX - 2.570,00 GBX
Тржишна вредност
1,07 млрд. GBP
Просечна количина
153,78 хиљ.
Добит од дивиденди
Примарна размена
У вестима
Основни подаци
Herald Investment Trust plc is a large United Kingdom-based investment trust focused predominantly on holdings of quoted small- and mid-cap technology, communications and media companies. Established in February 1994, the company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The fund is managed under the auspices of Herald Investment Management and its chairman is Ian Russell. Wikipedia
Датум оснивања
феб 1994