PagrindinisNIFTY_NEXT_50 • Indeksas
NIFTY Next 50
63 369,75
01-13, 10:45:50 GMT+5:30 · INDEXNSE · Atsisakymas
Ankstesnė uždarymo kaina
64 257,10
Dienos intervalas
62 917,05 - 63 478,55
Metų intervalas
52 872,95 - 77 918,00
Rinkos naujienos
The NIFTY Next 50 is a stock market index provided and maintained by NSE Indices. It represents the next rung of liquid securities after the NIFTY 50. It consists of 50 companies representing approximately 10% of the traded value of all stocks on the National Stock Exchange of India. It is quoted using the symbol NIFTYJR. The NIFTY Next 50 and the NIFTY 50 together comprise the NIFTY 100, which represents the top 100 companies trading on the National Stock Exchange of India based on full market capitalisation. The Nifty Next 50 Index represents 50 companies from Nifty 100 after excluding the Nifty 50 companies. The Nifty Next 50 Index represents about 10% of the free float market capitalization of the stocks listed on NSE as on September 29, 2023. The total traded value for the last six months September 2023 of all index constituents is approximately 11.2% of the traded value of all stocks on NSE. Wikipedia
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