Página inicialPTTGC • BKK
PTT Global Chemical PCL
฿ 20,40
5 de fev., 17:03:00 GMT+7 · THB · BKK · Exoneração de responsabilidade
AçãoLogotipo do GLeafLíder em sustentabilidadeTítulo listado na bolsa de TH
Último fechamento
฿ 20,10
Variações de hoje
฿ 19,90 - ฿ 20,40
Variações do ano
฿ 19,90 - ฿ 41,25
Volume médio
18,42 mi
Índice P/L
Rend. de dividendos
Bolsa principal
Pontuação climática CDP
Notícias sobre o mercado
PTT Global Chemical, also known as PTTGC, is a petrochemical company that specializes in synthesizing olefins and aromatics. It was founded in 2011 and is a subsidiary of PTT Public Company Limited. It was listed on the top 10 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for two consecutive years and is ranked 19th on the ICIS Top 100 Chemical Companies listing. PTTGC owns and operates production support facilities, such as jetty and buffer tank farm services for liquid chemical, oil and gas. Minor activities are production and distribution of electricity, water, steam and other utilities. In 2014, PTTGC Netherlands, a subsidiary of PTTGC, acquired part of French oil company Vencorex, totaling their stake in the company to 85%. This acquisition was completed to improve the production of Toluene diisocyanate and Hexamethylene diisocyanate, along with their derivatives. These chemicals are used as feed stock in manufacturing polyurethanes, commonly used in foams and coatings for the automobile and construction industries. Wikipedia
Data da fundação
19 de out. de 2011
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